
Personality Development


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Create an everlasting impression – Personality Development Multimedia kit contains : 1. Interactive CD-ROM 2. Personality DVDs (2 nos) 3. Audio CD 4. 42 days to Self-realisation 5. Journal

Product Description


1. Interactive CD-ROM : All the activities presented in the DVD have their practical application. So the user is supposed to practice those exercises to achieve the intended goals. The interactive CD-ROM is meant to help the user in that. While most of the activities can be done on the computer, some of them will require the user to get a print out. 

2. Personality DVDs ( 2 nos) : will lead the user through different stages of personality development. There are 17 different chapters, each concentrating on specific topics. These themes are presented by a group of highly talented and motivated young trainers. The main contents are

  • Good Presentation Skills
  • Interpersonal Skills
  • Personal Grooming
  • Empathy
  • Memory Skills
  • First Impression
  • How To Stand Out
  • V A K (Visual, Auditory, Kinesthetic)
  • Interview Management
  • Stress Management
  • Leadership Skills
  • Goal Setting
  • Art of Communication
  • Time Management
  • Anger Management
  • Matching and Mismatching
  • Mind Management

3. Audio CD: Only a rested and recharged mind can be happy and only happy mind can lead you to healthy and long life. This Audio CD helps you to learn the art of listening, for you to stabilise your mind, for you to meditate.

4. 42 days to Self-realisation : It aims to change the outlook the user might be having about life and career through a set of exercises and actions. The book suggests an exercise regime of 42 days and so the user is supposed to follow that schedule.

5. Journal : The Journal is a personal record for the user. It has got 200 pages for the user to write on. All these  pages feature motivational quotes, which are in tune with the Malayala Manorama Personality Development Programme


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