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Doubtbox is the latest innovative product from the founders of eTutor, which is used by half a million students across the globe. This Interactive Digital Content Repository has 8000 animated topics and one lakh questions with answers for Classes 1-12 . Doubtbox pen drive, an excellent tuition master at home, facilitating self learning by students, available for Classes 1-12, based on CBSE syllabus, with effective blending of ICSE and State Boards syllabus. Once they are set up in the home computer/lap top, students can study any lesson according to their convenience and do home work easily, watching the lessons enriched with multimedia. All the topics are explained with quality animations, graphics, pictures and diagrams along with audio explanations. Students will enjoy lessons as if seeing an animated, topic-based film.
Doubtbox Features:
Latest syllabus
Animated video lessons
Exciting visuals
Audio explanations
Multiple choice questions
Time bound test
Model test papers
Previous years question papers
NCERT solutions
System Requirements:
Processor – Minimum:1 GHZ, RAM – Minimum:2 GB
Disk Space – Minimum 10 GB Free space
Screen resolution – 1280 x 720 or above
Operating System – Windows 7 or above
Topics Covered in doubtbox Educational Pen Drive
Chapter 1. Living Things and Non-Living Things
Introduction, Living and Non-Living Things, Breathing, Respiration, Growth, Stimulus –Response, Living Things
Move, Photosynthesis, Food preparation, Reproduction, Summary
Chapter 2. Internal Organs of Our Body
Introduction, Internal organs of our body, Bones, Muscles, Brain, Heart, Lungs, Liver, Kidneys, Stomach, Small
Intestine, Large Intestine, Summary
Chapter 3. Sources of Food
Introduction, Plants Give Us Food, Animal For Food, Carnivores, Herbivores, Omnivores, Summary
Chapter 4. Food and Us
Introduction, Energy Giving Food, Body Building Food, Foods that protect the Body, Watre, Safety and Storage
of Food, Avoid Wastage of Food and Water, Food Hygiene, Summary
Chapter 5. Our Clothes
Introduction, Clothes We Wear, Natural Fibre, Synthetic Fibre, Weaving, Dyeing and Designing, Finishing and
Stitching, Summary
Chapter 6. Air and its Uses
Introduction, Air, Characteristics of Air, Uses of Air, Air has Weight, Air fills Space, Animals and Plants
also need Air, Summary
Chapter 7. Houses and the Environment
Introduction, Houses in the Areas with Heavy Snow, Houses in Mountainous Regions, Houses in areas with heavy
Rain, Houses in villages, Houses in cities and towns, A Good House, Natural Shelters, Sanitation, Safety,
Chapter 8. Maps
Introduction, Maps, Magnetic Compass, Cartography, Atlas, Political Maps, Physical Maps, Summary
Chapter 9. Health And Hygiene
Introduction, Sense Organs, Eyes, Nose, Ears, Tongue, Skin, Mouth, Teeth, Hair, Face, Care of the Nails, Care
of the Hands, Care of the Legs, Exercise, Importance of Body Posture, School Health Club, Summary
Chapter 10. Cleanliness of Surroundings
Introduction, Keeping Cleanliness Around The House, Maintaining community Hygiene, Maintaining domestic
Hygiene, Keeping the city Clean, Keeping the neighbourhood Clean, Disposing city Waste, Reducing, reusing and
recycling Waste, Summary
Chapter 11. Pollution
Introduction, Air Pollution, Effects of Air Pollution, Control of Air Pollution, Water Pollution, Effects of
Water Pollution, Control of Water Pollution, Noise Pollution, Soil Pollution, Summary
Chapter 12. Emergency Care And Home Remedies
Introduction, Emergency Care, First aid for Burns, First Aid for Wounds, First Aid for Nose Bleeds, First Aid
for Snake Bite, First aid for Insect bite, First aid for scorpion bite, First aid for dog bite, First aid for
fracture, First aid for sprains, First aid for animal bites, Summary
Chapter 13. Our Festivals
Introduction, National Festivals, Religious Festival, Harvest Festival, Summary
Chapter 14. Village Panchayat
Introduction, Village Panchayat, Members of a Village Panchayat, Functions of a Village Panchayat, Summary
Chapter 15. Municipal Committee and Municipal Corporation
Introduction, Members of the Local Bodies, Municipal Committee, Municipal Corporation, Functions of Municipal
Committees and Municipal Corporation, Source of income of Local Bodies, Summary
Chapter 16. Public and Private Property
Introduction, Private Property, Public Property, Summary
Chapter 17. Means Of Transport
Introduction, Means of Transport, Land Transport, Roadways, Railways, Water Transport, Air Transport, Summary
Chapter 18. Means Of Communication
Introduction, Letters and Telegrams, Newspapers, Radio and Television, Telephone, Pager, Mobile Phone, Telex,
Fax, Internet, Summary
Chapter 19. The Story Of Fire
Introduction, Story of Fire, Use of Fire in Daily Life, Precautions While Using Fire, Summary
Chapter 20. Safety Rules
Introduction, Safety at Home, While Handling Fire, Safety on the Road, Safety rules in the bus, Safety rules in
the school, Safety in the classroom, Summary
Chapter 21. Inventors and Inventions
Introduction, The Steam Engine, Aeroplane, Printing Press, Dynamo, Electric Bulb, Telephone, Summary
Chapter 22. Natural Resources
Introduction, Natural Resources, Sunlight as a Natural Resource, Air as a Natural Resource, Water as a Natural
Resource, Soil as a Natural Resource, Forest, Coal and Petroleum, Summary
Chapter 23. Natural Changes
Introduction, Solar System, Movement of the Earth, The Moon, Phases of the Moon, Landing on the Moon, Life on
the Moon, Roof of the House, The Weather, Weather and Climate Affect Our Lives, Weather and Climate Influence
the Type of Clothes People Wear, Weather Determines the Cultivation of a Particular Area, Eating Habit of
People Change With the Weather, Weather Determines the Type of House of an Area, Summary
Chapter 1. Building with Bricks
Shapes, Shapes with tangrams, Tiling Tessellating Shapes,Nets for building 3-D shapes, Numbering system
Chapter 2. Long and Short
Measurement of length, Measures of length, Conversion of Length,Addition and Subtraction with Conversion,
Problems on metres and centimetres
Chapter 3. A Trip to Bhopal
Multiplication, Multiplication Tables, Estimation, Mental calculation
Chapter 4. Tick-Tick-Tick
Introduction to Time, Time, AM and PM, The 24 Hour clock, Duration of time, Dates
Chapter 5. The Way The World Looks
Maps, Objects, View of objects, position of objects
Chapter 6. The Junk Seller
Money, Rupees and paise, Conversion of Rupees and Paise, Finding unit and multiple costs, Shopping
Chapter 7. Jugs and Mugs
Capacity, Measures of capacity, Conversion of Standard Unit of Capacity, Addition and Subtraction by
Conversion, Volume
Chapter 8. Carts & Wheels
Circle, Elements of a circle, Drawing circles
Chapter 9. Halves and Quarters
Introduction, Fractions, Fraction- part of a whole, Types of fractions, Equivalent fractions
Chapter 10. Play with Patterns
Patterns around us, Patterns, Geometrical pattern based on symmetry, Number Patterns, Patterns in multiplication and division, Making Patterns
Chapter 11. Tables and Shares
Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division, Estimation
Chapter 12. How Heavy? How Light?
Weights, Mass, Measurements
Chapter 13. Fields and Fences
Introduction, Square and Rectangle, Area, Perimeter, Finding Area and perimeter using formula
Chapter 14. Smart Charts
Introduction, Data Handling, Pictograph, Bar graph
Unit I
1. Wake Up! (Poem)
2. Neha’s Alarm Clock(Story)
Unit II
1. Noses(Poem)
2. The Little Fir Tree(Story)
3. What is it? (Poem)
Unit III
1. Run! (Poem)
2. Nasruddin’s Aim(Story)
Unit VI
1. Why? (Poem)
2. Alice In Wonder Land(Story)
3. The man in an onion bed(Poem)
Unit V
1. Don’t Be Afraid Of The Dark(Poem)
2. Helen Keller(Story)
3. Don’t give up(Poem)
Unit VI
1. The Donkey(Poem)
2. I Had A Little Pony(Poem)
3. The Milkman’s Cow(Story)
4. The Cruel Boy(Story)
Unit VII
1. Hiawatha(Poem)
2. The Scholar’s Mother Tongue(Story)
1. A Watering Rhyme(Poem)
2. The Giving Tree(Story)
3. Chinta Chettu(Poem)
Unit IX
1. Books(Poem)
2. Going To Buy A Book(Story)
Unit X
1. The Naughty Boy(Poem)
2. Pinocchio(Story)
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