
Class 9 – Physics


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CLASS 9 – PHYSICS with following topics explained in details: Unit  1. Motion Unit 2. Force Unit 3. Gravitation Unit 4. Work, Energy and Power Unit 5. Wave Motion and Sound Unit 6. Heat

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Unit 1. Motion

Introduction, Rest and Motion, Motion of Living and Non Living Things, Scalar and Vector Quantities, Distance and Displacement, Uniform Motion and Non-Uniform Motion, Speed, Velocity, Acceleration, Graphs and Their Uses, Equations of Motion, Uniform Circular Motion, Summary

Unit 2. Force

Introduction, Definition of Force, Inertia and Mass, Newton’s First Law of  Motion, Momentum, Newton’s Second Law of Motion, Impulsive Force, Newton’s Third Law of Motion, Law of Conservation of Momentum, Friction, Types of Friction, Advantages and Disadvantages of Friction, Summary

Unit 3. Gravitation

Introduction, Force of Gravitation, Newton’s Universal Law of Gravitation, Universal Gravitational Constant, Kepler’s Laws of Planetory Motion, Newtons Inverse Square Law, Centre of Gravity, Centre of Gravity and The  Balancing Point, Gravitational Force Between Two Bodies, The Position of the Centre of Gravity of a Body of Given Mass Depends on its Shape, Centre of Mass, Acceleration Due to Gravity, Value for Acceleration Due to Gravity on Earth,  Motion of Particles Under Gravity (Free Fall), Acceleration Due to Gravity and its Variation, Motion of a Projectile, Mass and Weight, Distinction Between Mass and Weight, Measurement of Weight, The Weight of the Body Depends on the Value of G, Units of Weight, Weightlessness, Geo Tropism, Thrust and Pressure, Units of Thrust, Units of Pressure, Fluid  Pressure, Role of Pressure in Daily Life, Archimedes Principle, Proof  of Archimedes Principle, Applications of Archimedes Principle, Immersion  of Body in a Fluid, Buoyancy, Relative Density, Summary

Unit 4. Work, Energy and Power

Introduction, Definition of Work, Displacement at an Angle with The Force, Positive, Negative and Zero Work, Energy, Solar Energy as a Natural Source of Energy, Different Forms of Energy, Kinetic Energy, Potential Energy, Transformation of Energy, Low of Conservation of Energy, Power, Summary

Unit 5. Wave Motion and Sound

Introduction, Simple Pendulum, Wave Motion, Transverse and  Longitudinal Waves, Simple Harmonic Waves, Characteristics of Harmonic Waves, Terms Related with Sound Wave, Nature and Propagation of Sound, Difference Between Sound Waves and Light Waves, Sound Propagation Requires a Material Medium, Speed of Sound,  Factors Influencing  Speed of Sound in Air, Experimental Determination of Speed of Sound in Air, Reflection of Sound, Practical Applications of Reflection of Sound, Echoes, Echo Method of Determination of Speed of Sound, The Sonar, Structure of Human Ear, Summary

Unit 6. Heat

Introduction, Heat as a Form of Energy, Specific Heat Capacity, Mechanical Equivalent of Heat, Temperature, Thermal Equilibrium, Thermometers, Galileo’s air Thermometer, Mercury Thermometer, Clinical Thermometer, Temperature Scales, Thermal Expansion, Linear Expansion of Solids,  Superficial Expansion of Solids, Cubical Expansion of Solids, Thermal Expansion of Liquids, Expansion of Gases, Effects of Heat, Change of State, Evaporation, Relative Humidity, Summary


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