
Class 9 – Chemistry


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CLASS 9 – CHEMISTRY with following topics explained in details: Unit 1. Matter in our surroundings Unit 2. Chemical Nature of Matter Unit 3. Atoms and Molecules Unit 4. Structure of Atom Unit 5. Chemical Bonding Unit 6. Classification of Elements Unit 7. Chemical reactions


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Unit 1. Matter in our surroundings

Introduction, Physical Nature of Matter, States of Matter, Interconversion of  States of Matter, Effect of Temperature on Solid, Effect of Pressure, Evaporation, Summary

Unit 2. Chemical Nature of Matter

Introduction, Pure Substances, Classification of Matter As Element,  Compound and Mixture, Comparison among Elements, Compounds and  Mixtures, Solutions, Suspensions and Colloids, Suspensions, Colloids, Distinction among Solution, Colloidal Solution, and Suspension, Suspension  of Components of a Mixture, Separation of Homogenious  Mixture, Treatment of  Water in Water-Works, Summary

Unit 3. Atoms and Molecules

Introduction, Laws of Chemical Combination, Postulates of Daltons Atomic  Theory of Matter, Atoms, Molecule, Ions or Radicals, Chemical Formulae, Naming of Simple Compounds, Molecular Mass, Mole Concept, Empirical  Formulae and Molecular Formulae, Mass Percentage of An Element from  Molecular Formula, Determination of Formula of an Unknown Compound, Summary

Unit 4. Structure of Atom

Introduction, Electrons, Protons, Neutrons, Nucleus, Atomic Number and Mass Number, Thomson’s Model of Atom, Rutherford’s Model of Atom, Rutherford’s Experiment, Bohr’s Concept of Atom, Arrangement of  Electrons in an Atom, Electronic Configuration of Some Elements, Valence Electrons, Isotopes, Radioactivity, X – Rays, Summary

Unit 5. Chemical Bonding

Introduction, Chemical Bond, Cause of Chemical Bonding, Ions, Cations, Anions, Types of Chemical Bonds, Electrovalent Bond or Ionic Bond, Covalent Bond, Properties of Ionic and Covalent Compounds, Polar and  Non-Polar Covalent Compounds, Valency of Elements, Summary

Unit 6. Classification of Elements

Introduction, Dobereiner’s Triads, Mendeleev’s Periodic Table, Newland’s  Law of Octaves, Modern Periodic Law, Modern Periodictble, Position of  Hydrogen in the Periodic Table, Characteristics of Periods, Characteristics  of Groups, Summary

Unit 7. Chemical reactions

Introduction, Chemical Formulae, Writing of Formulae of Molecular  Compounds, Writing of Formulae of Ionic Compounds, Chemical Equations, Balanced and Unbalanced Chemical Equation, Ionic Equation, Types of  Chemical Reactions, Oxidation and Reduction of Ions, Summary


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