
Class 11 – Chemistry


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CLASS  11 – CHEMISTRY with following units explained in details :Unit I. Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry, Unit II. Structure of Atom, Unit III. Classification of Elements and Periodicity in Properties, Unit IV. Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure, Unit V. States of Matter: Gases and Liquids, Unit VI. Thermodynamics, Unit VII. Equilibrium, Unit VIII . Redox Reactions, Unit IX. Hydrogen, Unit X. s– Block Elements (Alkali and Alkaline earth metals), Unit XI. Some p-Block Elements, Unit XII. Organic Chemistry – Some Basic Principles and Techniques, Unit XIII. Hydrocarbons, Unit XIV. Environmental Chemistry  

Product Description


Unit I. Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry

Physical States of Matter, Chemical composition of Matter, Atomic Theory of Matter, Mole Concept 

Unit II. Structure of Atom 

Heisenberg’s Uncertainity Principle, Rutherford’s scattering experiment, Bohr’s Theory and Hydrogen Spectrum, Arrangement of Electrons in an Atom, Linear combination of atomic orbitals, Formation of Molecular Orbitals, Cathode Rays, Anode Rays

Unit III. Classification of Elements and Periodicity in Properties 

Long form of periodic table, Grouping of Elements into Blocks, Periodicity in the Properties of selected Compounds

Unit IV. Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure 

Electrovalent Bond, Characteristics of Ionic Compounds, Valence bond theory, Electronic Theory of Valency, Hybridization, Shapes of Molecules, Polarity in the molecules, Resonance, Formation of Some Homonuclear Diatomic Molecules, Formation and Shapes of Various Hybrid Orbitals

Unit V. States of Matter: Gases and Liquids 

Intermolecular Forces, Basic Gas Laws, Kinetic Molecular Theory of Gases, Real Gas Equation

Unit VI. Thermodynamics 

Important Thermodynamic Terms, Modes of Energy Transfer, Zeroth Law and First Law of Thermodynamics, Enthalpy and Enthalpy Change; Heat Capacities, Hess’s Law, Enthalpies of Some Typical Reactions, Alternative Sources of Energy, Second law of thermodynamics, Spontaneous and Non-spontaneous processes, Enthalpy and spontaneity 

Unit VII. Equilibrium 

Equilibrium in physical processes, Factors affecting Equilibrium, Solid – vapour equilibrium, Equilibrium involving chemical systems, Law of Mass Action, Salt-Water Interaction, Acid-Base titrations, Theories of Acids and Bases, pH Scale, Factors influencing pH, Buffer solutions, Relationship Between Solubility and Solubility Product

Unit VIII. Redox Reactions 

Electronic Theory of Oxidation and Reduction, Redox reactions, Oxidation number, Writing Balanced Redox Reactions, Redox titrations and redox indicators

Unit IX. Hydrogen 

Position of Hydrogen in Periodic Table, Preparation of Hydrogen, Hydrides of hydrogen, Water, Hard and soft water, Heavy Water, Hydrogen Peroxide

Unit X. s– Block Elements (Alkali and Alkaline earth metals) 

General characteristics of alkali metal, General characteristics of alkaline earth metals, Extraction of sodium, Manufacture of some Sodium Compounds, Extraction of magnesium, Extraction of calcium, Chemistry of Calcium Compounds – Part I, Chemistry of Calcium Compounds – Part II, Manufacture of cement

Unit XI. Some p-Block Elements 

Atomic and physical properties of group 13 elements, Trends in Chemical Reactivity of Group 13 Elements, Chemistry of Boron, Compounds of Boron, Extraction of aluminium, Atomic and physical properties of group 14 elements, Trends in Chemical Reactivity of Group 14 Elements, Carbon and its allotropes, Oxides of carbon, Important Carbon Compounds, Extraction of Silicon, Classification of Silicates : Chemistry of Silicones, Chemistry of Sodium Ammonium Hydrogen Phosphate and Calcium Superphosphate, Chemistry of Ferrous Sulphate and Ferrous Ammonium Sulphate, Chemistry of Ferrous Chloride and Ferric Chloride, Chemistry of Mercurous Chloride and Mercuric Chloride, Tetravalency and Bonding of Carbon, Hybridization in Carbon Atom, Homologous Series

Unit XII. Organic Chemistry – Some Basic Principles and Techniques

IUPAC nomenclature of organic compounds, Types of organic reactions, Electron Displacement Effects in Organic Compounds, Purification of Organic Compounds, Estimation of Elements in Organic Compounds

Unit XIII. Hydrocarbons

Alkanes, Alkenes, Alkynes, Petroleum and Petrochemicals, Aromatic hydrocarbons, Benzene, Structure of benzene

Unit XIII. Environmental Chemistry 

Atmospheric pollution, Pollution due to particulates, Water pollution, Land pollution, Green Chemistry


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