
Class 10 – Chemistry


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CLASS 10 – CHEMISTRY with following topics explained in details:  Unit 1. Rate of Chemical Reaction and Chemical Equilibrium Unit 2. Study of Acids Bases and Salts Unit 3. Metals and Non Metals Unit 4. Carbon and its Compounds Unit 5. The Periodic Table of Elements


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Unit 1. Rate of Chemical Reaction and Chemical Equilibrium

Introduction, Chemical Reactions, Chemical Equation, Unbalanced and balanced Equation, Balancing of chemical Equation, Rate of Reactions, Fast and Slow  Reactions, Factors Affecting Rate of Reaction, Reversible Reaction, Irreversible Reaction, Chemical Equilibrium, Static Equilibrium and  Dynamic Equilibrium, Law of Chemical Equilibrium and Equilibrium Constant, Le Chateliers Principle, Factors affecting rate of Reversible  Reaction, Types of chemical reactions, Combination or Synthesis Reaction, Decomposition Reaction, Displacement Reaction, Double Displacement Reaction, Isomerization or Rearrangement Reaction, Classical concept of Oxidation and Reduction, Dissociation of electrolytes, Summary

Unit 2. Study of Acids Bases and Salts

Introduction, Acids, Classification of Acids, Preparation of acids, Properties of Acids, Bases, Classification of Bases, Preparation of bases, Properties of Bases, The pH Scale, Importance of pH in our daily life, Indicators, Salts, Classification of Salts, pH of salt, Preparation of Salts, Properties of Salts, Neutralisation, Uses of Acids and Bases, Chemicals from  common salt, Sodium hydroxide, Bleaching powder, Washing soda, Baking  soda, Plaaster of paris, Summary

Unit 3. Metals and Non Metals

Introduciton, Metals, Corrosion, Metallurgy, Aluminium, Compounds and  alloys of Metals, Alloys of Aluminium, Alloys of Copper, Alloys of Iron, Non metals, Bonding between Metals and Non Metals, Properties of Ionic Compounds, Hydrogen, Uses of Hydrogen, Ammonia, Sulphur dioxide, Sulphuric acid, Comparison of Metals and Non Metals, Summary

Unit 4. Carbon and its Compounds

Introduction, The covalent bond, Tetravalency in Carbon, Allotropes of  Carbon, Organic Compounds, Reasons for the existence of large no of Organic Compounds, Hydrocarbons and their classification, Homologous  series, Nomenclature of Organic Compounds, Isomers and isomerism, Chemical properties of Carbon Compounds, Compounds with Functional  Groups Containing Oxygen, Alcohols, Ethanol, Methanol, Propanone, Carboxylic Acids, Synthetic Polymers, Soap and Detergents, Summary

Unit 5. The Periodic Table of Elements

Introduction, Definition of periodic table, Classification of Elements, Mendeleyev’s Periodic Table, Modern Periodic Table, Periodicity and  causes of Periodicity, Magnetic numbers, Organization of Modern Periodic  Table, Relation of Periodic Table and Electronic Configuration, Diagonal  Relationship, General Characterestics of Periods, Merits of long form of  Periodic Table, Periodic Properties, Valency, Atomic Volume, Atomic Size, Ionization Potential, Electron Affinity, Electronegativity, Metallic and  nonmetallic Character, Group I A Elements, Physical properties of  Alkalimetals, Chemical properties of Alkalimetals, Group VII A Elements, Physical properties of Halogens, Chemical properties of Halogens, Summary


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